In the outpouring of new literature on the rise of China, there is a strong tendency to attribute
China’s growth trajectory to its embrace of neoliberal market principles, downplaying not only
the still preponderant role of the state but also of the CCP. This edited volume will seek to explore
the political economy of China by exploring the many apparent contradictions that have led it to
this point, thus necessarily taking a dialectical approach to such questions as:
• Has China set itself on a unique growth trajectory? And if so, what are the defining
features the so-called ‘Beijing Consensus’? What features are not unique?
• Capitalism’s soft underbelly is volatility: cyclical crises which can be severe. Has the CCP
found a superior means of overcoming cyclical crises, or is China likely, at some point, to
experience the same slowdown in growth as Japan entered in the early 1990s?
• And more.
Two Weeks Left: Call for Book Chapters: “Contradictions in Policy and Politics in the PRC”